ID: 42111
Theophil Batian
Nivel: 99

VIDA: 10,000
Def.: 2
Evasión: 1
Reducción de daño: 1
Horóscopo: Goblin
sympathy Nivel de Interés: 22 ~ 25
sympathy Favor: 26 ~ 30

Teología I (0/6)
Economía I (0/6)
Ciudadanos de Calpheon (0/6)
- Descripción:
Patriarca de la familia Batian, la familia con más tradición en Calpheon.

La familia Batian siempre ha sido seguidora del Elionismo por generaciones y ejerce gran influencia sobre ellos.

Una familia conservadora típica de la clase dirigente y consideran a la familia Erne indecentes por asociarse con comerciantes de bajo nivel. Theophil Batian tiene una personalidad manipuladora pero es sereno y es firme con sus propios valores.
Da conocimiento al descubrirse:
- Theophil Batian
- Balker Batian: Amistad 1
- Lavientia Batian: Amistad 1
Haber aceptado la misión El camino haia Kamasilvia
Haber aceptado la misión La Luz de Elion
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 22-04-2016 08:33
Check Screenshots for Amnity game.
Anonymous 9-05-2016 21:28
hi where can i get the theology?
Anonymous 26-05-2016 21:15

Academics --> Theology I
Anonymous 15-05-2016 20:19
Check the second screenshot submit by me for max Amity subjects. Works 99% of the time.
Anonymous 26-05-2016 21:11
First, you need these knowledges (Theology I):
(Academics --> Theology I. Click on the links of the knowledges you don't have and the comment sections will show you how to get them).

Don't spam "Greet", it gives you 1 Amity per energy and will take forever, instead by playing smart I reached 500 Amity using only 30 Energy.

Once you'll be able to start conversations with him (meaning you have Theology I unlocked), start playing the minigame (check this guide: Since you will fail to get a few "Fail To Spark Interest" goal I always played 2 or 3 games in a row before exiting and starting again, this way if you get a "Fail to spark interest" you don't waste much.

Sorry for bad english, not my primary language tongue.gif
Anonymous 26-08-2017 10:02

Vontade de Elion
Após a Morte
Deuses do Mau da Escuridão
Torre da Vontade
Sinos da Metrópole
Caminho de Arrependimento

Anonymous 20-09-2017 13:50
after death
evil gods in darkness
road of penitence
bell rining
will of elion
tower of will
Anonymous 24-10-2017 19:13
According to calculations at 24 Interest Level and 28 Favor.
Accumulated Favor: 131~164
Maximum Favor: 47~55
Good success rate, might fail on 2nd.
1st, 3rd, 5th give none/almost-none Favor.

Title ( Interest Level [Spark Rate] Min Favor~Max Favor [Actual Min Favor~Actual Max Favor] )

After Death ( 28 [117%] 21~26 [0~0] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~47 [17~19] )
Road of Penitence ( 27 [113%] 22~29 [0~1] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [108%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Will of Elion ( 41 [188%] 3~9 [0~0] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [38%] 41~49 [13~21] )
Anonymous 24-10-2017 19:38
According to calculations at 24 Interest Level and 28 Favor.

Title ( Interest Level [Spark Rate] Min Favor~Max Favor [Actual Min Favor~Actual Max Favor] )
Spark Rate, actual min/max favor is calculated with addition of effects, interest level is not. Don't condemn me for that tongue.gif

1st screenshot:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
After Death ( 28 [117%] 21~26 [0~0] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~47 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [108%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Road of Penitence ( 27 [129%] 22~29 [0~1] )

Accumulated Favor: 157~205
Maximum Favor: 42~57
Good+ success rate. Very low chance to fail on 3rd.
2nd and 6th is a waste of chance to get Favor.


2nd screenshot:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~26 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [21%] 41~49 [13~21] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [92%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Elion Definition of Heresy ( 12 [50%] 34~37 [6~9] )

Accumulated Favor: 222~305
Maximum Favor: 59~85
Hight Favor, somewhat risky.
Would reorder to 1st, 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 4th to get better success rate at the beginning but lose ~30 Accumulated Favor. "BIRTH of DRAGON rings the BELL of EVIL ELION TOWER"

Seems I mostly used this build myself, just in different order:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [92%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~26 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Elion Definition of Heresy ( 12 [50%] 34~37 [6~9] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [21%] 41~49 [13~21] )

Accumulated Favor: 197~274
Maximum Favor: 59~85
Annoying to add knowledge to the sign, have to spin back and forth multiple times.

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Agregado por Jeisme (22-04-2016)
Agregado por Mutantgama (15-05-2016)
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