ID: 458
Sello Dorado Brillante - [Pesca Imperial]
Nombre coreano: 빛나는 황금 인장 - [황실 낚시]
icon General
Peso: 0.00 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

Ligado al obtenerlo
- Transacción Personal No Disponible
- Descripción:
Sello de Proveedor de Pesca reconocido por la Corte Imperial. Si reúnes varios de estos sellos puedes intercambiarlos por alguno de los siguientes items..

Intercambio x10: Herramienta de Recolección de Fluidos Infundidos con Magia
- Intercambio x200: Ornamento de Litografía Ancestral
- Intercambio x250: Silla de Montar de Cuero Endurecido Ráfaga
- Intercambio x250: Esencia negra - Carmae
- Intercambio x250: Esencia negra - Addis
( Clic Derecho para verificar la Ubicación.)
Lista de Intercambio de Ítem:
- Esencia Negra - Addis
- Esencia Negra - Carmae
- Silla de Montar de Piel Endurecida de Ráfaga
- Ornamento de Litografía Ancestral
- Recolector de Fluidos Mágico
Precio de compra: -
Precio de venta: -
Coste de reparación: -
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 22-01-2017 03:15
To get these, you need to trade specific fishes to an Imperial Fishing Delivery NPC.

Imperial Fishing Delivery NPCs can be found in Velia, Glish, Epheria Port, Splashing Point and Valencia City. They will take most blue/yellow fish you have at 250% trade bonus and occasionally give you Shiny Golden Seal – [Imperial Fishing] as well.

* There is no distance bonus. The trade window may include a higher price since it factor in the distance bonus but you will only get paid the 250% trade value with no distance bonus.
* You cannot bargain with the trader.

There is no distance bonus but you still need to have nodes connected or you will only get 30%. The freshness of the fish won’t matter for the silver value, as long the fish is not expired. Each trade also have a limit on how much of each fish (usually 30-40) they will take and this limit reset every few hours (assumption is randomly every 3-4 hrs). This limit is shared with other players so you swap channel or NPC if you encounter a NPC that no longer takes your fish.

Source: [link]
cmcl 27-02-2024 18:32
Is this obtainable in any way now?

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