ID: 8813/3
After Searching and Searching
KR name: After Searching and Searching
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Wife's Request
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Mister Turt' Remorse
Next quest in the chain:
icon - A Single Ray of Hope

Start NPC:
icon - Mister Turt
End NPC:
icon - Villager

- Description:
Mister Turt said that there was someone who was recruiting sailors at that time. Let's go find them.

Ah, there was someone who was
recruiting sailors at that time, turt...
Maybe that person may know something.
How about you ask them?

That person may know something.
How about you ask them?

That boat was bringing some kind of
black rock from across the ocean.
There was an accident, however, and all the sailors went missing.
Even I only heard of this recently.

Completion Target: Villager
- Ask the villager about that day
- Tell him the woman's story
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Villager
    Accepted quest After Searching and Searching
    Meet NPC: Villager
    Accepted quest After Searching and Searching
  2. Meet NPC: Villager
    Accepted quest After Searching and Searching
    Meet NPC: Villager
    Accepted quest After Searching and Searching

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Sangpyeong Coin
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Mister Turt' Remorse
Required to open quests

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