ID: 8813/2
Mister Turt' Remorse
KR name: Mister Turt' Remorse
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Wife's Request
Next quest in the chain:
icon - After Searching and Searching

Start NPC:
icon - Mister Turt
End NPC:
icon - Mister Turt

- Description:
Mister Turt expresses remorse at the fact that he told the woman to not let go of hope. Let's ask what's going on.

The Dragon Palace is a vast place, turt...
I didn't see her husband anywhere inside...
That's why I told her to not let go of hope,
but I turtally regret what I said...
If only I hadn't sown false hope into her heart,
she wouldn't be in so much pain right now, turt...

If only I hadn't sown false hope into he heart,
she wouldn't be in so much pain right now...

The sea is boundless... And he wasn't in the waters here...
but the waters far, far away...
I asked around, everywhere I could,
but I wasn't able to locate him, turt...
Even the fish... the coral... said they never saw him...
He may have been washed away, far away...

Completion Target: Mister Turt
- Ask Mister Turt about the woman
- Talk to Mister Turt
- Talk to Mister Turt
- Ask Mister Turt about the woman's husband
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
    Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
  2. Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
    Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
  3. Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
    Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
  4. Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse
    Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Mister Turt' Remorse

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Sangpyeong Coin
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Wife's Request
Required to open quests

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