ID: 4560/17
Weakness of the Living Legend
KR name: 살아있는 전설의 약점
icon Quest
Region: Mediah
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Illezra's Threat
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Punish the Wandering Rogue
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Reforming Tarif

Start NPC:
icon - Brorum
End NPC:
icon - Brorum

- Description:
Brorum says to defeat the almost invincible Sor, you will need to nullify Illezra's magic on him with a purifying power. Get some Elionian Holy Water and give it to Brorum.

Wait a minute. Are you really going to fight Sor?
How do I know? Well, I've been helping in your investigations.
You should've found the third sacrament by now
and if so, you will need to face Sor, who is still alive.
My wife investigated Illezra for a long time,
especially her Five Rings.
Illezra stole the Book of Cartian, and my wife who witnessed the whole thing was...!
I never even found her body.
I spit on the name Illezra. That's why I've been helping you.
To pierce through Sor's armor, you will need the help of the followers of Elion.

I see that Cartian is watching over us.
It is fate that you and I have met.

Here, I've made this Elion Divine Cannonball.
If you hit Sor with this, you should be able to melt his armor.

Completion Target: Brorum
- Get Elionian Holy Water
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Evil Thoughts of the Witch

- Contribution EXP (120)
- Elion Divine Cannonball
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Accepted quest: icon - Punish the Wandering Rogue
Finished quest: icon - Punish the Wandering Rogue
Sort by: Rating Date
Vallaquenta 18-06-2024 08:58
Here's my personal 2024 recommendation:
- Accept
- Get 200 amity with Bipache
- Talk to
- Complete
cheekiyaya 1-01-2024 11:12
You need 200 Amity Points with NPC Bipache to talk to the high priest sad.gif then you can request for holy water from him

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