ID: 4530/5
[Daily] For a Beloved Sweltering Horse
KR name: [일일] 더위에 지친 애마에게
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Repeat] Bolero's Secret Mission
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Repeat] Today's Last Secret Mission
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Daily] Better Safe Than Sorry

Start NPC:
icon - Gula
End NPC:
icon - Gula

- Description:
Gula worries because his horses don't eat their feed because of the heat these days. Get Silk Honey Grass to stimulate the horses' appetite and feed them.

※ You can gather Silk Honey Grass at a set rate from Wild Herb.
※ You can accept this quest once a day.

Bonnie, Barnie and Benny don't eat well these days...
Oh, Bonnie, Barnie and Benny are my favorite horses.
Are they overcome by the heat? In fact, it's a bit hot these days.
They really like it if I bring some Silk Honey Grass when it's really hot.
Do you have some Silk Honey Grass, by any chance? Please feed my horses.
Yes? You'll bring it? I really appreciate it! Hehe.
How about you go feed the horses? They are really gentle!
Oh, and you need to give them one at a time. Otherwise, it can upset their stomachs.

Silk Honey Grass tastes good to Humans,
but our guys really love it!

How was it? Don't they love it?
You love to feed them, right?

Completion Target: Gula
- Feed Silk Honey Grass to Bonnie
- Feed Silk Honey Grass to Barnie
- Feed Silk Honey Grass to Benny
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Silk Honey Grass (3) NPC: icon - Bonnie
  2. Give item:
    - Silk Honey Grass (3) NPC: icon - Barnie
  3. Give item:
    - Silk Honey Grass (3) NPC: icon - Benny

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Dry Mane Grass
- Wild Grass
- Sunrise Herb
Quest requirements
Level: 50+
Gathering > Beginner 10
Not accepted quest: icon - For a Beloved Sweltering Horse
Required to open quests

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