Quest Region: All Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Bolero's Secret Mission Previous quest in the chain: - [Daily] How to Get the Best Milk Next quest in the chain: - [Daily] Quenching Thirst Before the Match Show/hide full quest chain - [Repeat] Bolero's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Waltz's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Serenade's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Today's Last Secret Mission - [Daily] For a Beloved Sweltering Horse - [Daily] Better Safe Than Sorry - [Daily] The Ranch's Precious Asset - [Daily] How to Get the Best Milk - [Daily] Safety Guard at the Race Grounds - [Daily] Quenching Thirst Before the Match - [Repeat] Suna Lise's Reward | |
Start NPC: - Wapra End NPC: - Soldier | |
- Description: Wapra offered you a position as a temporary Race Ground Safety Guard. Go to the Race Ground Stands, suppress the Racetrack Drunks and report to Wapra. ※ You can suppress a Racetrack Drunk if you go near him and interact ((Interaction) key). ※ You can accept this quest once a day. | |
Show/hide full quest's text I heard there is a drunken patron at the race. We must p-protect the audience so more people will come and watch. Yes. You look like a suitable person to protect this place. Do you want to work as a safety guard at our h-horse race today? Go to the R-Racetrack and protect the audience. If you see any drunk people, please suppress them before they make a disturbance. Is it our f-fault that they lost their m-money? Why do they make t-trouble after they lost their money and got drunk? Ah, I heard from Wapra. You dealt with the part that we couldn't handle. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Soldier - Suppress Drunks threatening safety at the Race Grounds Required actions:
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Basic Select - Pig Hide - Lizard Hide - Fox Hide - Bear Hide |