ID: 111
Baleia Minke
icon Categoria: Água Salgada

- Descrição:
Chama-se de baleia-anã, com costas e maxilares de cor preto grisalho e a barriga de branco, não da para saber onde começa a barriga porque não da pra ver a linha que corta ela direito. Gosta de viver sozinha ou em grupos de 2 a 4 no máximo, às vezes entram em costas marinhas à procura de comida.
Artigo relacionado:
- Baleia Minke
Preço de venda: 740,800
Ordenar por: Avaliação Encontro
TVorace 29-06-2024 04:03
Kiriak 29-06-2024 14:52
Thanks for reporting this! I've fixed the issue with the map links.
Also I've enabled the "addition of location" function for the Fish Encyclopedia pages. Use it to add the locations, please.
Doing this will allow everybody to see the map with your marks right on this page.
TVorace 7-07-2024 22:24
That is way more convenient, thanks a lot for bugfix and new functionality.
Did not noticed at first that I went into the fish encyclopedia and not the "regular" pages, could not find my way back here easily from the item page ^^
Will pursue my mission to link objects with titles, screenshot and locations for my fellow fishermen friends happy.gif
And congrats for your awesome site that help us for years now, glad to contribute my (little) part !
Kiriak 7-07-2024 23:09
Thank you for your kind words and contribution!
Added the link to encyclopedia pages from the normal fish item pages as well.
TVorace 8-07-2024 01:41
That is just.... great happy.gif You code fast !

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