ID: 6466
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범주: 해달 전성시대

- 설명 :
크리오니아 대장군이 타고 다니는 거대 게. 크리오니아 섬 주변에서만 서식하는 종이며, 핏빛 자주색을 띠는 것이 큰 특징이다. 특히 큰 집게에 잡히면 절대 빠져 나올 수 없기로 소문이 자자하다.
[친밀도]로 획득 가능
크리오니아 대장군만 타는 전용 거대 게가 있다고 한다. 대체 얼마나 큰 걸까?
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Khonen 11-10-2020 10:58
You can't wave at this NPC anymore (in NA at least). It was patched out a few weeks after release.

The amity game is near impossible, so prepare a lot of time and energy to spam +1 amity gains. Alternatively, there's a couple daylies on the island you could spam over time.
azoz9999 15-06-2021 08:27
guys one important note if you want to get the knowledge from the otters and the papus
one way of getting it is to do daily knowledge but be careful if you do dailies at the otters village every daily quest give you +10 amity with the person from whom you want to get the knowledge on the other hand you will get -10 amity! with the guy from the papu's village

TLsmile.gifR : if u want to get both knowledges focus on 1 guy first then go the other person to save your time
Snowpard 6-12-2020 03:01
I have 103 amity points with Crioniak and still can't get the knowledge. Does anyone have the same problem?
81447 8-01-2021 22:34
I had the same problem. Took me a while to figure out that you have to be in otter form to get the knowledge.
nermalion 16-08-2023 15:31
why would they make a amity game you cant win? so stupid
Skjold 15-11-2023 02:06
You have to push 1-2 points per round doing easy ones like "Speak freely". It's anoying i know, but it's how i do it

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