전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 The Secret Guards sent us a letter! They want to meet up at Valley Lily Inn in Heidel. "We've heard about what happened over on Everfrost. Oh well, no point in crying over spilled milk. We need to discuss a new plan." They seem pretty composed in the letter, but I bet they'll be in pieces when we arrive. I don't want to miss that. Hehe. Off to the Valley Lily Inn! Again!
They seem pretty composed in the letter, but I bet they'll be in pieces when we arrive. I don't want to miss that. Hehe. Off to the Valley Lily Inn! Again!
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9049_1_1_Ruwen)Oh! We were just talking about you before coming down! Those friends of yours rented out the entire 3rd floor again. |