ID: 893/2
[Pet] Who'll Take The Lead?
영어 이름: [Pet] Who'll Take The Lead?
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [Pet] Domesticated Squabbles
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [Pet] Becoming the Alpha

스타트 NPC:
icon - 오비 벨렌
끝 NPC:
icon - 오비 벨렌

- 설명 :
Go to where Obi Bellen tells you, use the feed to summon the Ahib Griffon, then defeat it.

※ The Ahib Griffon is a powerful monster. Recommended from Lv. 60.
※ If you fail to defeat the monster, forfeit the quest to obtain the summon scroll again.
※ You cannot obtain another summon scroll if your inventory is full.
※ Complete this quest to unlock Tier 5 Pet Training through Obi Bellen.

You could just wait till they figure their pecking order out on their own...
However, you shouldn't wait till some of them get hurt physically or emotionally.
I'll help you appoint their alpha.
In return, could you defeat the Ahib Griffon?
They stand at the top of the Navarn Steppe food chain.
Their energy will make is blatantly clear who's the real alpha pet is.
However, you too must absorb that energy and earn the right
if you want your alpha pets to follow you.
※ You can appoint an Alpha Pet via
Obi Bellen after completing this quest.

I'll help you appoint their alpha.
In return, could you defeat the Ahib Griffon?

Ho ho... you defeated the Ahib Griffon. My thanks to you.
I'll now help you in appointing an alpha pet.
First you'll need to train a pet to Tier 5 with the "Royal Plume."
Only then will you be able to appoint an alpha with your Tier 5 pet.
If you wish to train another pet to Tier 5,
you will require further Royal Plumes.
※ Complete this quest to unlock
Tier 5 pet training through Obi Bellen.
※ You can craft the Royal Plume via Simple Alchemy with Magical Shard x40,
Growth Reagent x10, and Fine Lightweight Plume x800.
※ Details on crafting the Royal Plume
are also found in the Crafting Notes.

완료 대상 : Obi Bellen
- Use the bait in your inventory ((Inventory)) and defeat the Ahib Griffon
필요한 조치:
  1. 괴물을 죽이십시오. (1):
    icon - Ahib Griffon

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (100)
퀘스트 요구 사항
완료된 퀘스트: icon - [Pet] Domesticated Squabbles
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