ID: 8813/4
A Single Ray of Hope
영어 이름: A Single Ray of Hope
icon 의뢰
지역명: Land of the Morning Light
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - The Wife's Request
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - After Searching and Searching
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - A Departure for Reunion

스타트 NPC:
icon - Villager
끝 NPC:
icon - Woman

- 설명 :
The villager told you that there was one sailor that was saved from a shipwreck at O'quilla's Eye. Let's go inform the woman of this news.

And there was one more thing
after the news of the shipwreck...
I heard that there was one sailor
who was saved at an island called Oakwilla...
This is the extent of what I know,
so if you'd like to know more, I suggest you visit the island...

This is the extent of what I know,
so if you'd like to know more, I suggest you visit the island...

You said you're from across the sea, right...?
I believe Mister Turt's words that he's safe and sound...
And this is a brazen request... but if you ever have to
return, could you find out whether he really is or not?

완료 대상 : Woman
- Tell the woman what you found out
- Talk to the woman
필요한 조치:
  1. NPC 만나기: Woman
    허용 된 퀘스트 A Single Ray of Hope
    NPC 만나기: Woman
    허용 된 퀘스트 A Single Ray of Hope
  2. NPC 만나기: Woman
    허용 된 퀘스트 A Single Ray of Hope
    NPC 만나기: Woman
    허용 된 퀘스트 A Single Ray of Hope

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (300)
- Sangpyeong Coin
퀘스트 요구 사항
완료된 퀘스트: icon - After Searching and Searching
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