ID: 8808/7
I'm completely worn out...
영어 이름: I'm completely worn out...
icon 의뢰
지역명: Land of the Morning Light
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - Honorable Choi's Third Daughter
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - An Earnest Longing to Seek a Solution
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - Let's get to the point.

스타트 NPC:
icon - Worker
끝 NPC:
icon - Choi Sunwoo

- 설명 :
The third daughter, Choi Sunwoo, is devouring down food in the kitchen,

Engage in a conversation to help her let down her guard.

It's about time for the household's misfortunes to come to an end...
The young mistress might be in the kitchen at the moment.

I understand that my beauty may be hard to resist... but I'm in the middle of a meal right now.
Don't you think it's a bit... rude?

Alright, so you've come to see me.
So? Tell me you've seen someone more beautiful than me.

완료 대상 : Choi Sunwoo
- Talk to Choi Sunwoo
필요한 조치:
  1. NPC 만나기: Choi Sunwoo
    허용 된 퀘스트 I'm completely worn out...
    NPC 만나기: Choi Sunwoo
    허용 된 퀘스트 I'm completely worn out...
퀘스트 요구 사항
퀘스트를 열려면 필요합니다.
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
katusia 20-07-2023 20:58
Second option.
Dark0325 26-08-2023 22:22

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