의뢰 지역명: Land of the Morning Light 범주: 스토리 유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트 레벨: 1 |
체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트: - [Samsin] Unsettling Rumor 체인에서의 이전 퀘스트: - [Samsin] [Crossroad] Forgive and Reconcile 체인의 다음 퀘스트: - [Samsin] Each Seeks Forgiveness in Their Own Way
전체 퀘스트 체인 표시 / 숨기기
스타트 NPC:
- Han Seunghee 끝 NPC: 흑정령 |
- 설명 : Seunghee believes that to quell Samsin's wrath, you must first dispel the villagers' misconceptions. Approach the villagers near the giant tree and clear up the misunderstandings. |
전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8534_19_1_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8534_5_Dolshe)Alrighty! We ran 'em off last time, so all's we gotta do now is head on back and have a word with 'em!
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8534_19_1_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8534_5_Dolshe)Alrighty! We ran 'em off last time, so all's we gotta do now is head on back and have a word with 'em!
Hehe! Can you believe these folk, partner? Did they really think it was all due to pure luck? That wouldn't even make any sense at all. Take it from me - If things ever go too smoothly, something's definitely off! |
퀘스트 완료 조건 |
기본 보상 - 기여 경험치 (150) |