ID: 842/3
[시간제한] 루빈의 특별훈련 III
영어 이름: [Timed Quest] Rubin's Special Training III
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1
시간 제한 퀘스트: 30m

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [시간제한] 루빈의 특별훈련 I
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - [시간제한] 루빈의 특별훈련 II
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [시간제한] 루빈의 특별훈련 V

스타트 NPC:
icon - 샴하인
끝 NPC:
icon - 샴하인

- 설명 :
루빈은 최고의 외침꾼이 되고 싶다면, 신속하고 정확한 전달 능력을 가져야 한다고 한다. 샴하인에게서 신속함과 정확함을 기를 수 있는 훈련을 받아보자.

※ 해당 의뢰는 제한 시간안에 목표를 달성해야 하는 의뢰 입니다.
※ 완료 NPC를 만나 완료를 끝내는 시점까지 시간에 포함되니 주의해야 합니다.
※ 만일 제한 시간이 지나 의뢰를 완료할 수 없어진다면 수주 NPC와 상호작용하여 재도전할 수 있습니다.

네? 루빈이 나를 소개시켜주었다고요?
흐흐, 예전 기억이 떠오르네요.
좋아요. 당신에게도 루빈이 했던 훈련법을 알려드릴게요.
아주 간단합니다. 시간 내에 말을 포획해서 저에게 다시 돌아오세요.
너무 간단한 거 아니냐고요?
루빈도 처음에는 똑같은 말을 했었죠. 자, 준비가 되면 말씀해주세요.
※ 샴하인에게 다시 말을 걸어 시작 버튼을 누르면,
제한시간이 흘러가게 되며, 시간 내에 목표를 달성하여 샴하인에게 돌아와야 합니다.

자, 서둘러서 움직여주세요.
시간은 무한하지 않거든요.

대단한데요? 루빈이 기록했던 것보다
더 빠른 속도로 성공했어요.
음… 이건 비밀이었나?
어쨌거나, 수고했어요! 이번 훈련은 통과입니다.

완료 대상 : 샴하인
- 제한 시간안에 말 한마리 포획해오기
필요한 조치:
  1. 말 포획

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (50)
퀘스트 요구 사항
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
NonyaBidness 14-11-2022 06:36
Closest is Tungrad Forest, the horses are literally right on the road at the node.
Kiriak 5-02-2023 13:20
The closest location of the wild horses is near the Stonebeak Shore. See the screenshots tab.
To complete this quest you'll need a fast horse with a Sprint skill learned.
First go to the location of the horses, find them and place a mark on the map for the reference. Then go to Shamhain, mount your horse and talk to him from the horse back to start the timer. Use the red path from the screenshot and ride to the horses by going through two bridges.

Once you'll catch the horse you'll have to ride it back to Shamhain. New horses are slow, so be sure to be sure to drive it back manually, holding shift key all the time.
Tesha 7-02-2023 15:35
Just a tip that worked for me: once you have succesfully tamed the horse, ride it, dismount it and just run back to Shamhain to complete the quest. It seems you don't need to ride the tamed horse back to Shamhain, just need to tame. If you want to register the horse, wait just a little and the new horse will come to you to the stable location.
Kiriak 7-02-2023 16:36
I don't know if it was changed since you did it or not, but i did it in February 2023 and it's not possible to dismount the horse. Usually you can dismount, but during this quest you can't.
Tesha 7-02-2023 17:12
I've just done it and completed the quest as I said on the 7th February 2023
Kiriak 7-02-2023 17:21
Interesting. Maybe my inability to dismount was a bug then. In such case you can just hop back on your old horse and get back to Shamhain, I guess. This makes the whole quest ridiculously easy though.
xtrm 19-05-2023 07:13
I have the same issue, I cannot dismount a tamed horse until it either gets registered at a stable or it dies (I am trying this right now as an option to complete the quest in time). No matter what I press, I cannot get off the horse. I can't even open the map, not a single button works except opening the inventory. Even ESC -> Escape just puts me back on the horse again.


I was able to finish the quest. This is how I had to do it:

* I took the quest, sprinted my way to Tungrad Forest to the road where the horses move around (it was the easiest spot to actually find horses quickly, the spots east and north were too random).

*I captured a wild horse, hopped on it, and then headed straight northeast-north to the cliff and rode the tamed horse into the water. I then tried using ESC -> Escape, but it just says "You cannot do this right now" - WTF??

* I then swam across the river and climbed up where the entrance to that Manes Hideout cave is. There I called my horse and sprinted my way back to the quest NPC Shamshain (who cannot be found by NPC search by the way, which is really dumb - like this entire quest). I had around 10 seconds left on the clock with some rage hiccups in between because of how stupid this quest is.

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에 의해 추가 Kiriak (5-02-2023)