의뢰 지역명: 전체 범주: 일반 의뢰 유형: 가족 퀘스트 레벨: 1 | |
체인의 다음 퀘스트: - New Product Research 전체 퀘스트 체인 표시 / 숨기기 - Starting a Business - New Product Research - Attracting Investors - [Crossroad] [Gathering] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Fishing] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Hunting] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Cooking] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Alchemy] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Processing] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Training] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Trading] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Farming] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Sailing] Partner Qualifications - [Crossroad] [Bartering] Partner Qualifications - Pupil Training | |
스타트 NPC: - Puteaux 끝 NPC: - Puteaux | |
- 설명 : Puteaux, the Ouk Pill artisan of Eilton, wants to show people the special Ouk Pills she has made using knowledge she has obtained from all around the world. Let's get her lots of Heavy Duty Packaging Cords so that she can start packaging them. ※ This quest is available only once per Family. ※ Heavy Duty Packaging Cord are sold by | |
전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 Greetings, 플레이어! You came at a great time! I actually need a small favor from you. I'm thinking about starting a business. However, I've spent my entire life researching... So I have no clue as to what I actually need to start a business of my own. Hmm... Well, I do have Ouk Pills of the highest-quality sitting in storage... Should I start by packaging those first? From what I've heard, a new Old Moon Guild Manager was assigned to Eilton recently! Can you get me lots of those heavy duty packaging cords from the Old Moon Guild managers? I think 200 of them would suffice! Can you get me lots of those heavy duty packaging cords from the Old Moon Guild managers? I think 200 of them would suffice! Thank you, Adventurer! I start packaging the Ouk Pills. | |
퀘스트 완료 조건 완료 대상 : Puteaux - Hand over Heavy Duty Packaging Cord x200 to Puteaux 필요한 조치:
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기본 보상 |