ID: 4607/8
[Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Earring
영어 이름: [Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Earring
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: Recurring Quests
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1
반복: 416d 15h

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Necklace
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - [Crafting] PEN (V) Kharazad Belt
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [Crafting] PEN (V) Kharazad Earring

스타트 NPC:
icon - 클로린스
끝 NPC:
icon - 클로린스

- 설명 :
To reach the zenith in power of the earring discovered by Ain Greid from the Ancient Fissure, he requires a PEN (V) Deboreka Earring. Seek Ain Greid with the required earring in hand.

※ Kharazad accessory crafting quests can be repeated immediately upon completion.

Ever have I awaited your arrival, pondering the mysteries yet to be unveiled.
The thrill of exploration stirs the soul.

Ever have I awaited your arrival, pondering the mysteries yet to be unveiled.
The thrill of exploration stirs the soul.

Behold, the Kharazad Earring! Even in its unfinished state,
the power it holds is undeniable. Surely, it shall be a boon to your adventures.

완료 대상 : Ain Greid
- Hand over the accessory to Ain Greid
필요한 조치:
  1. NPC 만나기: 클로린스
    허용 된 퀘스트 [Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Earring
    아이템을 가지고있다.: - Deboreka Earring x 1
    NPC 만나기: 클로린스
    허용 된 퀘스트 [Crafting] NOV (IX) Kharazad Earring
    아이템을 가지고있다.: - Deboreka Earring x 1

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (300)
- Kharazad Earring
- JIN Dawn Crystal - All AP
퀘스트 요구 사항

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