ID: 3841/1
[Barter] [Daily] Sailing to a Wider World
영어 이름: [Barter] [Daily] Sailing to a Wider World
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: Recurring Quests
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1
반복: 1d

스타트 NPC:
icon - 다리오
끝 NPC:
icon - 다리오

- 설명 :
Dario, the Wharf Manager on Iliya Island, was greatly inspired by the adventurers that have traveled the seas to barter across the world! As such, he's prepared a special gift for those adventurers. Barter 20 times to get the special gift that Dario prepared.

Hi there?! Queek!
What? You've come here to barter?
If you were a fisher, I'd have made a bet with you.
Such a shame. Queek!
Still, you did come all the way to Iliya Island to barter!
I'm very grateful for that, Adventurer! Queek!
Our quiet Iliya Island has become a hopping island of trade
thanks to all the adventurers coming to barter! Queek!
Therefore, I, Dario,
have prepared a small gift
to thank adventurers that
go around to barter! Queek!
Barter twenty times by island hopping around
then come back to me for my special gift! Queek!

Still, you did come all the way to Iliya Island to barter!
I'm very grateful for that, Adventurer! Queek!

Bother Otters and Papus are fine!
Oh... wait! Forget about the Papus! Queek!
Anyway! Well done!
Here's the gift I prepared for you. Queek!

완료 대상 : Dario
- Barter 20 times
필요한 조치:

  1. NEW_CONDITION: barterexchange(20)

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (300)
- 항해 스킬 경험치
- 물물교환 스킬 경험치
- 까마귀 주화
- Lost Trade Box
- 탐험가의 나침반 부품

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