![icon](/items/quest/blackstarequip003.webp) |
의뢰 지역명: 전체 범주: Quest: Content 유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트 레벨: 1 |
체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트: - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] Remnants of the Rift 체인에서의 이전 퀘스트: - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] Blackstar 체인의 다음 퀘스트: - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] To Tarif
전체 퀘스트 체인 표시 / 숨기기
스타트 NPC: 흑정령 끝 NPC:
- 별무덤의 화로 |
- 설명 : To behold the true form of the Blackstar, the Eye of Desolation must be sacrificed to the altar. Do as the Black Spirit says.
※ If you lose the Eye of Desolation, restart the quest to receive another. |
전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 I knew it. I just knew that you would make this choice! How long have we been together now, huh? Right, partner? Now, what to do first? That old man muttered on about some... Eye? Right, right. The Eye of Desolation! He said that we need the Eye of Desolation to meet the true form of the Blackstar! Let's go find one right now! But... where do we go?
Are you still afraid to meet the true form of the Blackstar? Don't worry! You have me!
The brazier accepted the Eye of Desolation when the Incarnation of Corruption was defeated. |
퀘스트 완료 조건 |
기본 보상 - 기여 경험치 (20) - 검은별의 손톱 - 부정의 현신 보상 꾸러미 - 경험치 (100) |