ID: 21140/4
[Serendia] [Subquest] The Storage Keeper's Concern for Gold Bars
영어 이름: [Serendia] [Subquest] The Storage Keeper's Concern for Gold Bars
icon 의뢰
지역명: 세렌디아
범주: 스토리
유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [Serendia] Lara and the Scared Children
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - [Serendia] [Subquest] The Blacksmith Who Leaves at Night
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [Serendia] Siuta, the Trade Manager

스타트 NPC:
icon - 아메리고
끝 NPC:
icon - Jarette Domongatt

- 설명 :
Amerigo is worried about moisture getting into the wooden storage. Help Amerigo.

Aventurer, a moment of your time, if you would.
Look here. Is it not a sight for any passerby to behold?
The grand Demi River, with my warehouse right beside it!
But it's not all sunshine and rainbows for the one who has to manage it!
The wooden supports soak up the river's moisture
and are constantly rotting and becoming infested with bugs.
Of course I regularly maintain and replace them,
but that doesn't really solve the problem, does it?

Of course I regularly maintain and replace them,
but that doesn't really solve the problem, does it?

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_21130_20_47_JaretteDomongatt)Well done! Another task successfully completed.
I believe such competency deserves a reward.

완료 대상 : Jarette Domongatt
- Hand over Iron Ore x3 to Amerigo
필요한 조치:
  1. NPC 만나기: 아메리고
    허용 된 퀘스트 [Serendia] [Subquest] The Storage Keeper's Concern for Gold Bars
    아이템을 가지고있다.:
    - 철 광석 x 3
    NPC 만나기: 아메리고
    허용 된 퀘스트 [Serendia] [Subquest] The Storage Keeper's Concern for Gold Bars
    아이템을 가지고있다.:
    - 철 광석 x 3
퀘스트 요구 사항
제목 있음: Jarette's Fixer
레벨: 100+

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