전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_21130_9_1_Orwen){ChangeScene(ReSerendia_Main_012)Ah, we meet again. Aust, this is the adventurer I spoke of. Now, I really must get going. Bye!
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_21130_9_1_Orwen){ChangeScene(ReSerendia_Main_012)Ah, we meet again. Aust, this is the adventurer I spoke of. Now, I really must get going. Bye!
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_21130_9_5_MysteriousMan)See? Nothing. Not even enough coin to buy something as expensive as a Black Stone. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_21130_9_6_MysteriousMan)That reminds me, since you're acquainted with Orwen, you must know her Shai friend as well, no? |