전체 퀘스트의 텍스트 표시/숨기기 {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_84_1_GhostM){ChangeScene(ReBalenos_Main_103)That knight was formerly the guard captain of Noir III. It's said his martial prowess was only surpassed by his loyalty to his king. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_84_2_GhostM)A loyalty so boundless that he, with the aid of alchemy, abandoned his humanity and became, in all senses, a monster in order to better serve his lord. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_84_3_GhostM)This sacrifice robbed him of his flesh and, when the deed was done, he was reborn as the frightful Phantom Knight, charged with guarding this place eternally. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_84_1_GhostW){ChangeScene(ReBalenos_Main_102)Somewhere in the castle is the scroll of the alchemist. That scroll should allow you to call forth the Phantom Knight.
{ChangeScene(ReBalenos_Main_100)As the letters recording the unerasable chapter of the castle's history vanished into the flame, the vengeful souls of Cron Castle slowly manifest around the well.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_84_1_Beedle)W-were you talking to g-ghosts? Actual ghosts? L-look, I should let you know I'm allergic to paranormal activity.... |