ID: 2080/4
[Elvia] Darkness Cast Over Keplan
영어 이름: [Elvia] Darkness Cast Over Keplan
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [Elvia] What's A-happening with the Ahib?
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - [Elvia] Prelude to Corruption
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [Elvia] Stolen Hopes and Joy

스타트 NPC:
icon - Nucamira
끝 NPC:
icon - Nucamira

- 설명 :
Nucamira tells you to gather Mark of Hadum from the villagers of Keplan.

※ You can only proceed with this quest in the Elvia Realm.
※ This quest does not reveal the exact location of the hand-in NPC.
※ Find Mark of Hadum by talking with certain villagers of Keplan.
※ If you forfeit the quest after combining Mark of Hadum x9, you must reaccept the quest, then find the marks and combine them once more.

Ah, you must be the one sent by Lejenti.
Makes sense that you were able to break through the magic.
We're currently investigating the situation here in Keplan.
Apparently the Black Sun of Calpheon first rose from this place.
And so, I ask that you observe the naive Humans and see if they undergo any changes.
Just like Serendia, Hadum's corruption should already have reached these parts.
※ This quest does not reveal
the exact location of the hand-in NPC.
※ Find Mark of Hadum by talking with
certain villagers of Keplan.

And so, I ask that you observe the naive Humans and see if they undergo any changes.
Just like Serendia, Hadum's corruption should already have reached these parts.

I knew it... Hadum has already marked the villagers of Keplan as sacrifice. We are out of time.
At this rate... a horrid nightmare shall come to manifest in the busy streets of Keplan.

완료 대상 : Nucamira
- Find Mark of Hadum x9 from the villagers of Keplan and combine them
필요한 조치:
  1. 아이템을 얻는다.:
    - Elvia: Nightmare's Shadow (1)

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (300)
퀘스트 요구 사항
완료된 퀘스트: icon - [Elvia] Prelude to Corruption
퀘스트를 열려면 필요합니다.
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
borin 15-06-2022 19:00
- Material Vendor (Laniero Lucci)
- Storage Keeper (Christine Cessory)
- Furniture Dealer (Ambroke)
- General Goods Vendor (Kant)
- Work Supervisor (Phelix)
- Arms Dealer (Andria)
- Jeweler (Greco Gorda)
- Extraction Facility Manager (Eldas)
- Ivan Derose
alperjk 22-10-2024 19:57
- Work Supervisor (Felix)
- Ivana DeRose
makc200622 16-06-2022 21:27
Торговец инструментами - Ранеро Личу
Кладовщик - Кристина Цессори
Торговец мебелью - Амброк
Алхимик - Кант
Управляющий - Феликс
Оружейник - Андрия
Торговец кристаллами - Греко Кода
Заведующий экстрактором - Эльдас
Посетитель трактира - Айбо Дерос
xtrm 5-06-2023 19:13
This is the pattern that's needed:

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