ID: 1657/6
Arrested at the Scene
영어 이름: Arrested at the Scene
icon 의뢰
지역명: 발레노스 동부
범주: 일반 의뢰
유형: 캐릭터 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - I'm Telling You the Truth!
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - Resume the investigation, Adrian Loggia
체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - Jesters' Secret Hideout

스타트 NPC:
icon - Adrian Loggia
끝 NPC:
icon - Drunky-drunk Jester

- 설명 :
You've followed Adrian Loggia and spotted three jesters drinking in the secret area. Look into what's going on.

...Sssshh! We gotta keep ouir voices low.
There's a group of jesters over there.
What are they chatting about?
Are those... glasses in their hands?

... Sssh! Your footsteps are too loud Adventurer!
What are they doing so discreetly?

Oh... Hello there?
W-What brings you here...? Hic!

완료 대상 : Drunky-drunk Jester
- Interrogate the jester
- Interrogate the jester
필요한 조치:
  1. NPC 만나기: Self-conscious Jester
    허용 된 퀘스트 Arrested at the Scene
    NPC 만나기: Self-conscious Jester
    허용 된 퀘스트 Arrested at the Scene
  2. NPC 만나기: Jester Holding a Glass
    허용 된 퀘스트 Arrested at the Scene
    NPC 만나기: Jester Holding a Glass
    허용 된 퀘스트 Arrested at the Scene
퀘스트 요구 사항
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