ID: 11475/1
[Event] Special and Splendid
영어 이름: [Event] Special and Splendid
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: 모험가의 고서
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1

체인의 다음 퀘스트:
icon - [Event] Masterpiece's Muse

스타트 NPC:
icon - Kukao
끝 NPC:
icon - Kukao

- 설명 :
Kukao is preparing to draw a "special" Dragon. If you show off a splendid fight, he promises to draw a wonderful picture.

※ This is a weekly quest that resets every Thursday.

Did you come here after hearing of
the rumor that a special Dragon appeared? Queek?
Funnily enough, I was also preparing
to draw a special Dragon!
If you show off a splendid fight with the Dragon,
I'll be able to draw a wonderful picture! Queek!

If you show off a splendid fight with the dragon,
I'll be able to draw a wonderful picture! Queek!

Queek! What a wonderful sight that was!
Here... I found this from around the nest, Queek!
It's a gift for you, Queek!
Help me to draw a good picture next time, too!

완료 대상 : Kukao
- Defeat Garmoth at Garmoth's Nest and obtain her loot
필요한 조치:
  1. 괴물을 죽이십시오. :
    icon - 가모스

기본 보상
- 크론석
- 가모스의 비늘
퀘스트 요구 사항
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-09:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-10:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-04:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-09:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-04:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-04:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-07:00
기간: 2024/01/18-00:00 - 2024/02/14-06:00
퀘스트를 열려면 필요합니다.

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