ID: 50789
레벨: 99

생명력: 10,000
정신력: 1
별자리: 거인자리
sympathy 흥미도: 37 ~ 39
sympathy 호감도: 27 ~ 28
거점 관리인 Shrine of Silent Prayers

관심사 :
드리간의 민간풍습 (0/8)
드리간 첸가 신화 (0/8)
드리간의 종교인들 (0/1)
- 설명 :
It has been decades since Caspara, a high priestess from Drieghan, first came to offer prayers at the Shrine of Silent Prayers. Each morning, she offers a prayer at the shrine above for the souls of those who did not return from the Sherekhan Iron Mine. And each night, she offers a prayer at the shrine below for the Dragons that have perished during the war with Humans.

The Shrine of Silent Prayers is said to be the only place in Drieghan where prayers are offered up to Dragons.

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