ID: 42111
테오필르 바시안
레벨: 99
<칼리스 의원 - 바시안가>
생명력: 10,000
정신력: 1
방어력: 2
회피 성향: 1
피해 감소: 1
별자리: 고블린자리
sympathy 흥미도: 20 ~ 23
sympathy 호감도: 27 ~ 29

관심사 :
신학 I (0/6)
경제 I (0/6)
칼페온 도시의 시민 (0/6)
- 설명 :
칼페온에서 가장 혈통 깊은 가문, 바시안 가문의 수장이다.

대대로 엘리언교의 신자들로 절실한 믿음으로 뭉쳐 엘리언교를 후원한다. 바시안 가문이 엘리언교에 미치는 영향력은 상당하다.

지배 계급을 대표하는 보수적인 성향을 띠는데 출처없는 상인들과 결탁한 에른 가문은 못마땅한 대상이다. 능구렁이 같은 성격으로 항상 차분하며 자신의 가치관을 믿는다.
발견에 대한 지식 제공:
- 테오필르 바시안
- 볼커 바시안: 친밀도 1
- 라비엔샤 바시안: 친밀도 1
허용 된 퀘스트 카마실비아로 향하는 길
허용 된 퀘스트 엘리언의 빛줄기
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 22-04-2016 08:33
Check Screenshots for Amnity game.
Anonymous 9-05-2016 21:28
hi where can i get the theology?
Anonymous 26-05-2016 21:15

Academics --> Theology I
Anonymous 15-05-2016 20:19
Check the second screenshot submit by me for max Amity subjects. Works 99% of the time.
Anonymous 26-05-2016 21:11
First, you need these knowledges (Theology I):
(Academics --> Theology I. Click on the links of the knowledges you don't have and the comment sections will show you how to get them).

Don't spam "Greet", it gives you 1 Amity per energy and will take forever, instead by playing smart I reached 500 Amity using only 30 Energy.

Once you'll be able to start conversations with him (meaning you have Theology I unlocked), start playing the minigame (check this guide: Since you will fail to get a few "Fail To Spark Interest" goal I always played 2 or 3 games in a row before exiting and starting again, this way if you get a "Fail to spark interest" you don't waste much.

Sorry for bad english, not my primary language tongue.gif
Anonymous 26-08-2017 10:02

Vontade de Elion
Após a Morte
Deuses do Mau da Escuridão
Torre da Vontade
Sinos da Metrópole
Caminho de Arrependimento

Anonymous 20-09-2017 13:50
after death
evil gods in darkness
road of penitence
bell rining
will of elion
tower of will
Anonymous 24-10-2017 19:13
According to calculations at 24 Interest Level and 28 Favor.
Accumulated Favor: 131~164
Maximum Favor: 47~55
Good success rate, might fail on 2nd.
1st, 3rd, 5th give none/almost-none Favor.

Title ( Interest Level [Spark Rate] Min Favor~Max Favor [Actual Min Favor~Actual Max Favor] )

After Death ( 28 [117%] 21~26 [0~0] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~47 [17~19] )
Road of Penitence ( 27 [113%] 22~29 [0~1] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [108%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Will of Elion ( 41 [188%] 3~9 [0~0] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [38%] 41~49 [13~21] )
Anonymous 24-10-2017 19:38
According to calculations at 24 Interest Level and 28 Favor.

Title ( Interest Level [Spark Rate] Min Favor~Max Favor [Actual Min Favor~Actual Max Favor] )
Spark Rate, actual min/max favor is calculated with addition of effects, interest level is not. Don't condemn me for that tongue.gif

1st screenshot:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
After Death ( 28 [117%] 21~26 [0~0] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~47 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [108%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Road of Penitence ( 27 [129%] 22~29 [0~1] )

Accumulated Favor: 157~205
Maximum Favor: 42~57
Good+ success rate. Very low chance to fail on 3rd.
2nd and 6th is a waste of chance to get Favor.


2nd screenshot:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~26 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [21%] 41~49 [13~21] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [92%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Elion Definition of Heresy ( 12 [50%] 34~37 [6~9] )

Accumulated Favor: 222~305
Maximum Favor: 59~85
Hight Favor, somewhat risky.
Would reorder to 1st, 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 4th to get better success rate at the beginning but lose ~30 Accumulated Favor. "BIRTH of DRAGON rings the BELL of EVIL ELION TOWER"

Seems I mostly used this build myself, just in different order:
Birth of Faith ( 33 [138%] 35~37 [7~9] )
Bell Ringing from the City ( 22 [92%] 35~40 [7~12] )
Evil Gods in Darkness ( 16 [67%] 45~26 [17~19] )
Dragon Watcher ( 34 [142%] 37~43 [9~15] )
Elion Definition of Heresy ( 12 [50%] 34~37 [6~9] )
Tower of Will ( 5 [21%] 41~49 [13~21] )

Accumulated Favor: 197~274
Maximum Favor: 59~85
Annoying to add knowledge to the sign, have to spin back and forth multiple times.

댓글을 남기려면 로그인
에 의해 추가 Jeisme (22-04-2016)
에 의해 추가 Mutantgama (15-05-2016)
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