ID: 20750
배회하는 흑정령
레벨: 55
생명력: 483
정신력: 1
방어력: 467
회피 성향: 457
피해 감소: 10
XP: 16
Skill XP: 25
성 향: 5
지식 드랍 기회: 10.00%

- 설명 :
브리 유적지를 배회하는 흑정령이다.
기생할 대상을 얻지 못한 흑정령들은 생물체에 대해 강한 분노를 표출하며 공격하기도 한다.
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 24-07-2017 02:22
Thanks to SyianZi form reddit:
[–]SyianZi 5 points 1 year ago
Ok I spent about an hour trying to get this. I am a Sorc. It is the black spirit balls in Caphras cave, they just attack you when you cross their path as far as I can tell. So I took an image of where I stood to get hit, and this is how I unlocked the knowledge.
So just stand in that spot, let it hit you, and try and find other spots they can hit you too. I hope that helps someone!"
EarlGreyBDO 23-10-2020 16:52
Look at this video:
You not only have to be at that spot, you have to continuously attack (with LMB) in thin air. Eventually you will hit the roaming black spirit as it tries to hit you. Done enough times, you will get the knowledge. It took me less than 10 minutes.
meldrex11 24-09-2022 08:11
Another tip I saw was to put your horse right by you while attacking that spot. I used a level 27 horse and the Roaming spirit would randomly show up to attack the horse. I was able to get the knowledge within 5 minutes with the horse. Tried for like 20 minutes before that without the horse.
AleeraHolms 26-10-2021 22:59
Para quem ainda tem curiosidade (como eu), peguei o meu cavalo, coloquei no exato ponto da imagem do reddit, e fiquei golpeando, o primeiro que apareceu me deu o conhecimento. Eles aparecem muito rápido, então não pare de golpear. Ah, esteja abaixo do nível 50.
lottevenir 13-03-2023 18:08
Turn up Sound Effect Volume. Shortly before the Roaming Black Spirit appears, it will giggle. Stand in the spot mentioned in the comment by EarlGreyBDO.

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