ID: 810274
싱그러운 튤립 다발
영어 이름: Bouquet of Fresh Tulips
icon 일반
무 게: 300.00 LT
남은 수명: 7d
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
A beautiful tulip that grows near the Northern Wheat Plantation. There are a few nobles who monopolize the right to distribute and cultivate these tulips in Calpheon.

- Usage: Trading

- How to Obtain: Purchase from Northern Wheat Plantation

- Can be purchased from Trading Skilled 1.
가격을 구입: 1,350,000coin
판매 가격: -
수리비: -

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