ID: 752624
[이벤트] 행복 가득 복주머니
영어 이름: [Event] Joy-filled Pouch of Fortune
icon 일반
무 게: 0.00 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
A pouch of fortune filled with joy. It contains prayers wishing for much health and joy in the new year. Go to Lara at the hill above the Coastal Cave in Velia and she will imbue you with good fortune for the new year.

Take the [Event] Joy-filled Pouch of Fortune to Lara to accept [Repeat] [Event] Joy-filled Pouch of Fortune.

(상세 위치는 우클릭하여 확인 가능합니다.)

※ This is an event item that can be used to complete a quest before Jan 10, 2024 maintenance.
가격을 구입: 1,000,000coin
판매 가격: 1,000,000
수리비: -

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