ID: 752451
[이벤트] 엘리의 특별한 인장
영어 이름: [Event] Ellie's Special Seal
icon 일반
무 게: 0.00 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
A special seal that Ellie issued herself. You can exchange these seals for a special gift. Let's go find Ellie.

- Usage: Event quests or item exchange

- x50: [Event] Shakatu's Splendid Box
- x40: Choose Your Shakatu Box
- x30: Essence of Courage x10
- x30: Essence of Honor x10
- x20: Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x10
- x20: Tear of the Ocean x5

- x30: [Event] Ellie's Magical Elixir x3
- x20: Memory Fragment x20
- x15: Cron Stone x50
- x15: Advice of Valks (+50)
- x10: [Event] Enhancement Help Kit II
- x5: [Event] Crio's Choose Your Trace Box
- x5: [Event] Crio's Choose Your Fruit Box

(상세 위치는 우클릭하여 확인 가능합니다.)

- How to Obtain: Events

※ Quests that are available once a week per Family can be exchanged with Igor Bartali after the event ends.
※ Please refer to the Events page on the official website for more details.
가격을 구입: 10,000coin
판매 가격: 10,000
수리비: -

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