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일반 무 게: 0.00 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT |
획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가 - 설명 : An herb that appears to have bloomed due to spring. It's yet to have been soiled by grubby herbalist hands and gives off a fragrant scent. Bring it to someone who is knowledgeable about herbs. - Usage: Event quests or item exchange - x50: [Event] Spring's Herbal Decoction x10 - x30: Advice of Valks (+80) - x30: [Event] Choose Your 7-Day Box - x10: Mystical Cron Stone Bundle - x10: [Event] Artisan's Memory x5 - x10: Inventory +4 Expansion Coupon - x10: Fruit of Nature x1 (상세 위치는 우클릭하여 확인 가능합니다.) - How to Obtain: Node Production ※ Please refer to the Events page on the official website for more details. 가격을 구입: 10,000 ![]() 판매 가격: 10,000 수리비: - |
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