ID: 795/1
[시간제한] 외침꾼의 자질
ハングル名: [시간제한] 외침꾼의 자질
icon 依頼
地域名: 全体
カテゴリー: 一般依頼
種類: 家族の探求
レベル: 1
時限クエスト: 18分

icon - [시간제한] 정보의 높낮이

icon - 루빈
icon - 루빈

- 説明 :
일지의 주인인 루빈은 직접 외침꾼이 되어보지 않겠냐고 말했다. 제한 시간안에 다섯 명을 만나고 루빈과 다시 대화해 보자. ※ 해당 의뢰는 제한 시간안에 목표를 달성해야 하는 의뢰 입니다. ※ 완료 NPC를 만나 완료를 끝내는 시점까지 시간에 포함되니 주의해야 합니다. ※ 만일 제한 시간이 지나 의뢰를 완료할 수 없어진다면 수주 NPC와 상호작용하여 재도전할 수 있습니다.

- エル・ベルッチと挨拶する
- グランダスと挨拶する
- バートーロマスと挨拶する
- アンジェラと挨拶する
- ロマリーと挨拶する
ソート: 評価 日時
KUNA 15-01-2020 17:36
You must to "W" for talk and choose to start

Talksworth 4-03-2020 16:35
Here's the full information for anyone that's wondering. The quest has a 2 minute timer, which starts the moment you press the "I'm ready" dialogue option, not when you exit the dialogue with Rubin. From then you need to talk to the five NPCs AND get back to Rubin within the 2 minutes. If you talk to the five people but get back to Rubin too late, you won't be able to hand in the quest to him (despite him having the quest popup above his head suggesting that you can).

With the amount of time given being that low you will need to make no mistakes and you complete the run. If you slow down, get stuck, get laggy, the quest will fail. However being perfect is not enough. I managed to do a perfect run, making no mistakes and having no back luck and still i ran out of time.

The real win condition of this quest appears to having a really good horse. Which means that for many players this quest will be practically impossible to complete at the time of first getting it. It's a shame that the quest description doesn't at least mention needing a very fast horse.
NOTDESMOND 25-04-2020 15:11
Did it by running and swimming with 1 whole second to spare. The key was 3 Talis Item MS buff + 2 more from food. Also solid R + esc game.
Summary: Click I’m ready and Esc as soon as the timer starts then sprint to MP, then back to ArmorVendor, run toward the bridge and jump off the corner to the docks. Don’t talk to Bartho yet, move to the otter and jump as far out into the water as possible. Run up and skip the Shai and straight to StableKeeper. Then straight back to Shai and this time use the other exit that’s just past the Shai. Parkour as far off into the water and say hi to Bartho as soon as you out of the water then sprint right back to Rubin.
borjagarciab 15-04-2020 18:45
Orden óptimo para completarlo:
grandus 50m
bart 150m
Ángela 230m
romary 350m
Belucci 430m
zeki43 17-02-2024 11:40
Uh wacko.gif
LSA13 20-12-2020 19:28
Таймер не стартует автоматически после взятия квеста. Его нужно запускать через "W" вручную.
