ID: 6606/1
Pahlawan Unsung
KR name: 이름 없는 영웅
icon Quest
Nama Wilayah: Kamasylvia
Category: Quest Biasa
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Catatan Kegelapan Bulan

Start NPC:
icon - Momellies
End NPC:
icon - Merindora

- Penjelasan:
Momellies, pustakawan di Kota Grána berkata dia tidak tahu banyak tentang Pahlawan dari Vedir. Carilah ahli sejarah Kamasylvia.

Halo lagi
Player,Pahlawan Kamasylvia
Aku mengerti, buku harian tua di perpustakaan...
jadi kamu sudah tahu tentang Pahlawan dari Vedir.
Sama seperti Ratu Brolina Ornette kami
dia adalah elf kuat yang berjuang bersama kami untuk menyelamatkan Kamasylvia.
Namanya? Sayangnya
menyebut namanya dilarang di sini di Kota Grána.
Meski kamu membantu mengembalikan cahaya Kamasylve
aku merasa bersalah memberitahumu namanya dan apa yang dia lakukan.
Ini cerita lama jadi
hanya orang yang benar-benar mengerti sejarah kami yang tahu tentangnya...
Aku memintamu agar menjauhi segala hal yang menyangkut dirinya...
Tidak akan ada gunanya.

semua orang menutup mulut rapat-rapat tentang topik ini.

Pahlawan Vedir yang terlupakan?
Hm...jadi kamu sudah tahu tentang dia.

Target Penyelesaian: Merindora
- Menemukan Seseorang Yang Tahu tentang Record of the Moon's Darkness
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Merindora

- Contribution EXP (100)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Jantung Kamasylve
Have knowledge on Jurnal Pahlawan Vedir
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 29-11-2017 03:40
Since this questline is rather difficult and confusing I have created a full guide for the questline.
jimmyboy 17-02-2022 00:09
Questline was removed during the "kama questline revamp" as I've read in Discord. You can still follow this user's guide to find where to obtain the knowledge for the adventure log. You still need to be on a character who is done with the kama questline and I think you need to obtain these knowledges in order. Also, they cost 10-30 energy each. You don't need them all if you just want the energy capacity.
Lionborne 17-06-2020 04:46
For those looking for the quest. Seems i could not do it at this time. But note you can get all the knowledge in this questline by getting them all in order. Otherwise, it won't show up.
azoz9999 25-02-2021 23:32
There is no quest when I talk with Momellies even though I took the knowledge
Cthulhus_Requiem 5-06-2021 18:26
I do have the same issue. All Kamasiliva questlines are done by my char so this cannot be the issue.
ianwang0917 2-12-2022 10:38
Did you guys solve it? I have the same problem confusing me too
benbenimsensensin 9-03-2025 16:43
yea still same
Anonymous 12-12-2017 20:46
Nice Job Jenhi, thx drinks.gif

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