ID: 6600/25
Bukti Ketekunan
KR name: 끈기의 증거
icon Quest
Nama Wilayah: Kamasylvia
Category: Quest Biasa
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Kecil, biru dan kuat
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Bukti Keberanian
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Apa yang Tersembunyi di dalam Rak Buku?

Start NPC:
icon - Momellies
End NPC:
icon - Momellies

- Penjelasan:
Melewati tes kedua dari Momellies.

Kamu butuh keberanian untuk bisa menjelajahi tempat yang tak diketahui.
Sepertinya kamu punya keberanian membaca buku tentangnya.
Walaupun itu tidak cukup.
Apa kamu mau mengetahui kebenaran hingga akhir?
Ada banyak Pendeta Wanita Muda di Grána
yang bisa melatih dengan kegigihan besar.
Bicaralah pada mereka, dan belajarlah dari pendirian teguh mereka.

Temui 4 Pendeta Wanita Muda.
dan pelajari keinginan untuk mengejar pengetahuan.

Dengan ini kamu berhasil melewati dua tes.
Sekarang kamu bisa menemui pengetahuan suci di Grána.

Target Penyelesaian: Momellies
- Temui Pendeta Wanita Muda.
- Temui Pendeta Wanita Muda
- Temui Pendeta Wanita Muda.
- Temui Pendeta Wanita Muda
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Pendeta Muda
  2. Meet NPC: Pendeta Muda
  3. Meet NPC: Pendeta Muda
  4. Meet NPC: Pendeta Muda

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese Melt
Amity (20):
- Momellies
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Bukti Keberanian
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 18-11-2017 15:30
inside the Library. 3 you will found in first floor, one in ground floor.
innerhalb der Bibliothek. 3 findest du in der ersten Etage, eine im Erdgeschoss. Sie heißen in der deutschen Version nicht "junge Priesterin" sondern "Bewohner"
Anonymous 18-11-2017 21:20
Thanks. I found all the girls inside the library (ground floor, and 1st floor).

One important note:
Two of the NPCs you need to interact with are labelled "Villager" (not "Young Priestess&quotwink.gif. They're young elf (?) girls with long brown hair who just stand upright.
Banzz 19-09-2019 17:05
Anonymous 17-11-2017 00:36
Does anybody have any infos/insight about this quest ?
I ran 15ish minutes in all grana and, if i could see A LOT of young priestess, none of them had anything to tell me sad.gif

I was notified of Keicca message and went back to the library. I immediately saw the blue aura around the little girls.
I wont say the quest was bugged at time i posted my question, but a few days latter its obvious and easy to complete.
Thanks to Keicca then ! happy.gif
Anonymous 17-11-2017 00:46
Same problem here. Not sure if it's bugged or not?

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