ID: 4531/3
Menemukan Tempat Fishing Khusus
KR name: [낚시] 특별한 낚시지점 발견하기
icon Quest
Nama Wilayah: Mediah
Category: Life
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Ke Desa Deburan Ombak Mediah
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Apa Yang Harus Diketahui Nelayan
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Ke Tempat Pemancingan Lebih Besar di Mediah

Start NPC:
icon - Bavio
End NPC:
icon - Bavio

- Penjelasan:
Bavio mengatakan setiap sungai dan laut memiliki tempat-tempat tertentu dimana ikan berkumpul. Dibutuhkan banyak usaha untuk menemukan titik-titik ini, tapi kebanyakan berada di tempat yang dalam dan tenang di sungai dan daerah pusat laut. Kamu bisa menemukan ikan langka di tempat itu.

Temukan tempat Fishing khusus dan tangkap seekor Piranha, dan Bavio akan memberimu pancing yang bagus. Pindah ke tempat yang diceritakan dan dicoba oleh Bavio.

Kurasa kau sudah cukup belajar tentang ikan di Sungai Junaid!
Tapi, apa kau tahu hal ini? Kiiik!
Ada tempat khusus dimana ikan berkumpul. Kiiik!
Beberapa ikan hanya muncul di tempat itu. Kiiik!
Pernahkah kau menangkap seekor Piranha? Kiiik!
Jika pernah, kau pasti memancing di salah satu tempat itu tanpa mengetahuinya.
Aku akan memberitahumu salah satu tempat speial itu sekarang. Kiiik!
Mulai sekarang, kemanapun kau pergi, lihatlah dengan seksama dan cobalah menemukan tempat khusus saat kau memancing.
Biasanya itu area yang ikan-ikan melompat.
Nah, cobalah menangkap seekor Piranha. Kau juga akan lebih sering menangkap Crawfish.

Jika kamu sudah tahu informasi ini, maafkan aku.
Tapi, jika kamu menangkap ikan jenis yang tepat, aku akan memberimu hadiah. Kiiik!

Kamu berhasil, Kiiik!
Sekarang kamu bisa melihat hal seperti ini ada, dan kamu akan menumukannya lebih banyak.

Target Penyelesaian: Bavio
- Tangkap 10 Crawfish
- Tangkap 3 Piranha
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Crawfish (10)
  2. Obtain item:
    - Piranha (3)

- Contribution EXP (350)
- Triple-Float Fishing Rod
Amity (20):
- Bavio
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 5-07-2016 04:25
The fishing spot identified for the quest is the old hot spot and just gives the adjusted new fishing table (after 17 June Patch). The Piranha now appear to mainly come from one of the new fish spawns (jumping fish like at sea but without the gulls) There happens to be one such spawn location to the SW corner of the island in front of Splashing Point; where a small sandy beach is found.

The fish spawn can be close to the beach or mid stream which is hard to fish but reachable with an energy cast (extra distance) or waist high in the water on the rocks of the opposite bank. Be aware that currently these spawns appear bugged and despawn rapidly after a minute. You may stil catch the Piranha even when despawned for a few casts though it may not.

The spawn is of Piranha the 15 times I have fished it so should give the quest target. Also the Crawfish can be caught there also so worth fishing that spot to wait for the fish spawn to arrive. The fish count wherever you catch them.

You can't bring fish before the quest as it counts those caught after the quest is taken however.

It seems that Piranha can also be caught in open water but the drop rate for yellow quality fish seems low so the spawn offers the best option.
Anonymous 11-10-2016 02:35
Anyone who is still struggling with this, the river hotspots appear randomly throughout the river and look like this:
These will drop piranha. Keep casting on them even if the graphic disappears because they will usually still drop yellows for a while after.

The crawfish are a standard white drop from any spot in the river.

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