ID: 45004
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 10
Penghindaran: 10
Zodiak: Unta
sympathy Tingkat Perhatian: 30 ~ 35
sympathy Favor: 31 ~ 35

Logam (0/4)
Logam Berharga (0/4)
Senjata (0/4)
- Penjelasan:
Pandai besi di Pasukan Militer Katan.

Meski sifatnya pendiam dan lembut, Elfa bergabung ke militer karena dia sangat mengagumi Jenderal Valencia hebat bernama Amrr Arth. Dia memiliki rasa tanggung jawab yang kuat dan selalu siap dan bersedia untuk berperang kapan pun.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Elfa
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Anonymous 4-07-2016 07:07
Right click each of these subjects as follows for the best amity gain:

1.) Melted Copper Shard
2.) Melted Vanadium Shard
3.) Brass Ingot
4.) Vanadium Ingot

Anonymous 6-07-2016 00:51
This is what has been working well for me (Black Dragon horoscope)
1. Melted Titanium Shard
2. Melted Vanadium Shard
3. Titanium Ingot
4. Vanadium Ingot

If I need to fail I use
1. Iron Ingot
2. Melted Zinc Shard
3. Melted Tin Shard
4. Zinc Ingot
Anonymous 17-08-2016 07:40
Horoscope doesn't work like that. If your horoscope matches theirs you get a bonus of 10% of the amity you earned that game, otherwise it has no effect. Make an alt with camel horoscope and buy/make it a matching calpheon noble's costume for total 25% boosted amity with this npc.

0-5 success: 30 Vanadium Ingot, 45 Melted Vanadium Shard, 21 Brass Ingot, 35 Tin Ingot

1(2) fails: 35 Tin Ingot, 5 Melted Tin Shard, 8 Melted Zinc Shard, 45 Melted Vanadium Shard

2(3) fails: 45 Melted Vanadium Shard, 5 Melted Tin Shard, 8 Melted Zinc Shard, 13 Iron Ingot

3-5 fails: 16 Melted Copper Shard, 5 Melted Tin Shard, 8 Melted Zinc Shard, 13 Iron Ingot
Anonymous 8-04-2017 23:37
These combos are superb King, not one single round failed.
Upto 282(+155 Bonus - Pot/Costume/Noble) on a good convo, this visit. Very nice
Anonymous 22-04-2017 15:52
Was this nerfed or something? I seem to only obtain 30-55ish on every successful round. Sometimes 100 max but very rarely.
Anonymous 24-04-2017 13:16
Nope, working fine as of this date ^
6e5b1b822f.png are playing the whole 3 rounds right?
Anonymous 27-04-2017 01:06
I see now, thanks
Anonymous 16-11-2017 04:41
Combo de amizade para pegar peças Rocaba:
NPC: Elfa
Local: Cidade de Valência
Signo: Dragão Negro

1. Fragmento de cobre derretido.
2. Lingote de Latão
3. Fragmento de Vanádio
4. Lingote de Bronze

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