ID: 24131
Saunil Mobile Catapult
Level: 45
HP: 2,440
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 393
Penghindaran: 383
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 136,141
Karma: 70
Knowledge drop chance: 5.00%

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Saunil Mobile Catapult
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Sebuah Saunil Mobile Catapult.
Bentuknya lebih kecil daripada Catapult yang terpancang dan berat dan berdaya rusak lebih rendah. Namun, kekuatannya adalah pada kelincahannya ini, yang memungkinkannya untuk digerakkan agar lebih mudah mengenai sasaran yang dikehendaki.
- Saunil Mobile Catapult
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Anonymous 24-07-2017 11:34
The Saunil Mobile Catapults spawn at the respectable locations, then move towards Trina Fort, where they will stop and shoot.

3 can be found west by the road leading to Trina Fort.
1 can be found east by the road leading to Trina Fort, almost at the gate entrance.
1 can be found east of the road leading to Trina Fort, near the main road.

Hopefully this information helps a bit.

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