ID: 24026
Perangkap Petir Mawar Liar
Level: 33
HP: 447
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 274
Penghindaran: 264
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 43,927
Karma: 50
Knowledge drop chance: 70.00%

- Penjelasan:
Perangkap Petir Mawar liar
- Penjelasan:
Memang, mawar liar dengan duri besar tampak berbahaya, namun mawar ini ditumbuhkan kembali oleh para bandit sebagai bahan cerita horor!
Seorang pengembara yang kehilangan seluruh teman-temannya di hutan bandit bercerita bahwa semua orang langsung panik saat seseorang terkena Perangkap Tumbuhan Liar Petir.
- Perangkap Petir Mawar liar
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Anonymous 7-09-2016 22:59
It was really hard to find this trap for the knowledge. I was just running there, "hugging" every tree (feeling me silly) and aiming up at those trees to hit trap on time before it disappears.
Did about 3 rounds at those locations till got it.
JasmineDragon 19-06-2023 03:17
Look at the trees in the listed locations and you'll see the traps (See my screenshot) it basically looks like a very painful log swing. Once you can see it on your screen you only have a few seconds before it'll disappear (3-5 sec maximum). I used an AOE attack to break them quickly.

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Added by Jasminedragon (18-06-2023)