ID: 9746
Abyssal Brass Ingot
KR name: 심연의 황동 주괴
icon - Bahan Crafting
Berat: 0.10 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.10 VT

Terikat saat didapatkan
- Transaksi Pribadi Tidak Tersedia
- Penjelasan:
Kuningan Ingot yang mengandung kekuatan sihir. Kekuatan misterius sedang mengalir dari tempat terdalam.

- Penggunaan: Crafting Hughol's Weapon

- Cara Crafting: Crafting di Pabrik Produksi Lv.2 di Duvencrune 5

- Bahan Crafting
Abyssal Brass Ingot x150
Ferocious Leather x100
Mystical Cleaning Oil x75
Dragon Slayer Weapon Blueprint x1

※ Hughol's Weapon digunakan untuk membuat Slayer Weapon dari Pabrik Produksi di Duvencrune 5.

- Diperoleh Dari: Processing (L) - Manufacture bahan-bahan di bawah
Brass Ingot x2
Black Stone Powder x10
Trace of Nature x7
Bahan-bahan: Brass Ingot (2) + Black Stone Powder (10) + Trace of Forest (7)

Penuh dengan energi misterius yang mengalir dari dalam Brass Ingot. Digunakan dalam pembuatan senjata Hughol.
- Abyssal Brass Ingot

Buy price: 124,626coin
Sell price: 12,400
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loboram 16-05-2023 15:19
Trace of Savagery seems to be the problem with this part, since there's frighteningly little of it on the Central Market

2 times 150 times around 40.000 = 12.000.000 Silver
10 times 150 times roughly 3.000 = 4.500.000 Silver
7 times 150 times roughly 80.000 = 84.000.000 Silver
Kyranda 30-11-2023 03:34
open the excavation node at lynch farm (or the pig place), get a human (skilled+) with high luck to work it, dump any unused energy into the node from offline characters or if you're going afk, promote them whenever possible, and hope they get complimentary skills (or re-roll them) for the node. 3 days and I have 134 at 5/20 Investment Level (25% energy bonus) with professional human (ws 81.25 luck 22.61) with work speed +1 skill. I need to re-roll a skill or two on him.

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