ID: 6527
Golden Pearl
KR name: 황금 진주
icon - Bahan Crafting
Berat: 0.30 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.10 VT

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- Penjelasan:
Sumber daya alam olahan yang diperoleh melalui Gathering dan digunakan sebagai material untuk Crafting. Bentuknya dapat diubah melalui Alchemy atau Processing.
- Cara Memperoleh: Drying Giant Pearl Clam.
Material Processing: Giant Pearl Clam (Drying)

Golden Pearl dibuat dengan cara mengolah Giant Pearl Clam. Bahan Olahan sering digunakan dalam Alchemy atau Produksi. Hanya ada sedikit kesempatan untuk mendapatkan material ini dari Giant Pearl Clam yang ditemukan di lautan. Warnanya yang cantik menjadikannya bahan hiasan populer untuk barang-barang mewah.
- Golden Pearl

Buy price: 1,000,000coin
Sell price: 100,000
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Anonymous 8-06-2017 07:14
Low sample size, but it took me about 35 oyster items to produce 6 pearls at Artisan 1 Processing and +1 clothes (if it matters). I may have gotten lucky; I suspect actual rate is closer to 10%. At Pro 8 Gathering, giant oyster gathering nodes seemed to give oyster items about half the time, so around 15-20 oyster nodes per pearl. Did not receive any pearls directly from oyster nodes; guessing a 1-5% rate on those.
Anonymous 21-09-2017 19:26
they need to put more of the giant oysters in the game or make the ones that are there spawn a lot faster than they do. I find it tough to find them and most of the time someone's already beat me to it.

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