ID: 4688
Ship Repair Material
KR name: 함선 수리 자재
icon Special Item
Berat: 0.50 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.10 VT

Terikat saat didapatkan
- Transaksi Pribadi Tidak Tersedia
- Dapat dimasukkan pada Family Inventory
- Penjelasan:
Bahan yang mudah diproses untuk perbaikan kapal.

- Cara Memperoleh: Chopping Plywood x2.
- Efek: Memulihkan Durability Kapal sebanyak 2%.
- Cara Menggunakan: Dapat diperbaiki melalui interaksi dengan Kapal Besar yang rusak.
※ Jika ada banyak jenis alat dan bahan di dalam inventory, bahan pertama dalam keadaan non-auto arrange yang akan digunakan.
Material Processing: Plywood (Apapun) x2 (Chopping)

Bahan perbaikan kapal. Bahan olahan sering digunakan dalam Alchemy atau Crafting. Ini sangat berguna saat kapalmu nyaris hancur di tengah laut.
- Ship Repair Material

Buy price: 40,000coin
Sell price: 4,000
Repair price: -
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Anonymous 16-02-2017 01:33
Recovers 5,000 HP of ship, no cooldown, but takes 30 sec to apply.
Anonymous 3-06-2017 06:32
how can we apply it?
Anonymous 16-06-2017 21:25
you just have to go the mast of the ship, and it works like repairing a tower during NodeWars. I believe you have to click F6.
Anonymous 25-07-2017 14:06
People dislike making these since they don't sell on the marketplace, but making these seems to give roughly double the Processing experience of plywood, letting you get much more mileage out of your wood. These also sell for a fair 4000 silver to vendors, so when you account for marketplace tax and bonus processing yields, you're not really losing too much, especially if your focus is on gaining Processing skill.
al1313ex 27-05-2021 12:22
Also thulja plywood can be made into ship repair material.add it to list please.its also mention in the F2 menu in game
becky0470 23-08-2021 13:36
can you use Thornwood Timber?

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