ID: 16323
Lucky Box of the Day
KR name: 오늘의 행운 상자
icon Special Item
Berat: 0.10 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.30 VT

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Lucky Box of the Day
Tekan RMB untuk memperoleh satu item di bawah ini dengan peluang yang ditentukan.
Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box
Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Dandelion Weapon Box
Liverto’s Weapon Bundle
Witch’s Earring
Mark of Shadow
Bensho's Necklace
Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
Scarla Necklace
Sharp Black Crystal Shard
Khalk's Elixir
Perfume of Swiftness
Perfume of Courage
Cron Stone
[Event] Energy Tonic (L)
[Event] Medium Energy Tonic
Sacred Statue of Asula
Oze’s Music Box
Epherian Pearl Necklace
Spellbound Tool Box
Superior Whale Tendon Potion
Whale Tendon Potion
[Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir
[Mix] Manhunt-Rage Elixir
Memory Fragment
Akan mendapatkan salah satu Item berikut
Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box
Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box
Dandelion Weapon Box
Liverto’s Weapon Bundle
Witch’s Earring
Mark of Shadow
Bensho's Necklace
Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
Scarla Necklace
Sharp Black Crystal Shard
Khalk's Elixir
Perfume of Swiftness
Perfume of Courage
Cron Stone
[Event] Energy Tonic (L)
[Event] Medium Energy Tonic
Sacred Statue of Asula
Oze’s Music Box
Epherian Pearl Necklace
Spellbound Tool Box
Superior Whale Tendon Potion
Whale Tendon Potion
[Mix] EXP-Reaper Elixir
[Mix] Manhunt-Rage Elixir
Memory Fragment
saat kotak dibuka.
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