ID: 10430
Truffle Mushroom
icon Gatherable object

- Penjelasan:
Mushroom telah lama disebut makanan dari bumi atau penjelmaan peri. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan mengandung racun. Mereka juga memiliki zat kimia yang unik, yang menjadi alasan mengapa mereka umum digunakan dalam Alchemy. Truffle Mushroom bisa ditanam di kebunmu jika kau memiliki hifanya.

Raise your gathering skill level to increase the chance of collecting rare materials.
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Anonymous 3-02-2017 07:43
As the name suggests, a Truffle is an underground growing mushroom.
So in Serendia, look for the caves under the naga's.
There you will find noumerous mushrooms + the rare Truffle.

Bring a lantern with you so you can see where your going wink.gif
Spielkind 14-05-2017 19:17
Thanks man smile.gif I did searched all over mudster, did not know there are caves smile.gif

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