ID: 849/5
Fughar, the Chief Manager of the Crow Merchant Guild
KR name: 까마귀 상단 대행수, 푸가르
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Alustin's Alchemy, Book 8, Chapter 5
Tales fetched by the Crow... the Crow Merchants' Records!
Reach Lv. 55, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Crow Merchants' Records from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - The fruit of Talent and Hard Work
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Sun that Lights Up the Moon

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
The Plot of the Crow Merchant Guild

The guild grew more powerful by the day, gaining great wealth from all across the world.

The First Crow called me in secret one day to tell me of an intriguing plan.

The guild would lavishly sponsor adventurers setting out on new journeys, to promote the guild and to satisfy the First Crow's perverse habits.

I was of course put in charge of this business. I showered new adventurers with the guild's lavish support.

I had no idea then that it would lead to conflict between the First Crow and me... But my two-sided life began anyhow.

※ This Adventure Log must be completed in order from Chapter 1.




Completion Target: Item
- Visit Fughar for a talk
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Fughar
    Accepted quest Fughar, the Chief Manager of the Crow Merchant Guild
    Meet NPC: Fughar
    Accepted quest Fughar, the Chief Manager of the Crow Merchant Guild

All DP + 1 (Family-wide)
Quest requirements

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