ID: 848/5
Money is Thicker Than Blood
KR name: 돈은 피보다 진하다
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Alustin's Alchemy, Book 7, Chapter 5
Tales fetched by the Crow... the Crow Merchants' Records!
Reach Lv. 55, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Crow Merchants' Records from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Hard Work Pays Off
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Proving Your Worth

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
A Win-Win Deal

I was successful in the Kratuga Excavation, and Shen promised a close collaboration between the Crow and Shen merchant guilds.

News of this reached all across town, to the guild members who were waiting for me in Calpheon.

The deal would have benefited the guild greatly, but it had been a risk, carried out without the proper procedures.

Patrigio, the man who had recommended me to the guild, urgently summoned me, and I hurried back.

※ This Adventure Log must be completed in order from Chapter 1.




Completion Target: Item
- Connect Altinova-Calpheon Nodes
Required actions:
  1. Nodes connected: Calpheon, Altinova

Inventory + 1 (Family-wide)

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