ID: 6670/6
One Last Time
KR name: 한 번만 더
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Curious Lumen
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Her Secretive Request
Next quest in the chain:
icon - The Secret Acher Inspector

Start NPC:
icon - Auciel Renf
End NPC:
icon - Auciel Renf

- Description:
Auciel wanted you to talk to the sentinels near Duzak Tunnel. It'll be easier to approach them if you bring them some soft bread and sute tea. Let's help Auciel out a little more, although it's becoming irritating.

I will give you the answer...
if you help me with one more thing, hehe.
Can you talk to the sentinels at Duzak Tunnel?
Please ask them about the current situation with the Ahib.
Wait, can you first prepare some sute tea and soft bread
to bring to the guards there?
They might be more inclined to talk with a snack,
since they must be tired from extensive guard duty.

To get to the Duzak Tunnel, head east from Old Wisdom Tree.

Phew, there isn't any reason for me to step up yet...that's reassuring.
I don't think any information has been compromised because of the sentinels.
There also aren't any suspicious outsiders entering Kamasylvia.
And the Ahib are still laying low.
Although small skirmishes break out from time to time, there hasn't been any suspicious movement.
Thank you for helping's not easy, doing the work of an inspector.
Please accept this small gift as a token of appreciation.

Completion Target: Auciel Renf
- Hand over sute tea
- Hand over soft bread
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Sute Tea (1) NPC: icon - Sentinel Sergeant
  2. Give item:
    - Soft Bread (1) NPC: icon - Sentinel Sergeant

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Black Gem Fragment
Amity (20):
- Auciel Renf
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Her Secretive Request
Level: 58+
Required to open quests
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suemccartin 3-01-2021 06:38
Found it, the pointer is not pointing to her. There is an npc in front properly pointed to another behind her under the structure that's the tea lady she is left of the pointer light.
suemccartin 3-01-2021 06:35
Seems to show two npc's can only find one that takes the bread

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