ID: 5533/76
Reawakened remnant of the ancient civilization
KR name: 다시 깨어난 고대 문명의 잔재
icon Quest
Region: Valencia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Dopey-looking Soldiers
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Aal's Birthplace
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Those that threaten the pilgrims

Start NPC:
icon - Samaya
End NPC:
icon - Vygun

- Description:
Samaya is worried about Dian, who is watching over the Sanctum of Purity, as well as the other visiting pilgrims.
Check on the situation at the Hystria Ruins by talking to Vygun who is investigating the ruins in the canyon east of the Sanctum of Purity.

Do you know about the ancient artifact, Hystria?
It was nothing but a piece of stone for such a long time,
but it seems it have become active again recently.
Although it is part of Valencia's civilization,
it is nothing but another threat now
since we are not able to control it.
I heard investigators have already been dispatched
to the Hystria Ruins.
Please see one of them and check on the situation at Hystria.

I'm worried, just so worried.
They're all after Valencia.

I hope everything will be as peaceful as it is now.
May Aal's blessing be over us all...

Completion Target: Vygun
- Check on the situation at the Hystria Ruins
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Vygun

- Contribution EXP (250)
Quest requirements
Accepted quest: icon - Share with Thy Neighbor

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