ID: 3722/7
[Crow's Nest] Time-catching Ghost
KR name: [까마귀의 둥지] 세월을 낚는 유령
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] A Strange Tale from the Great Ocean
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] To Crow's Nest
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] Precious Worth

Start NPC:
icon - Proix
End NPC:
icon - Anax

- Description:
Proix recalled a rather horrible experience he had while navigating the Great Ocean in his younger days. He also told you about Anax, the old man known as the Ghost of Crow's Nest.

※ Navigation cannot be used during this quest, and you will need to sail through the misty Great Ocean region.
※ You will need a compass to navigate through waters of the Great Ocean hidden by thick fog.

Aye... It was the island whispered of in rumors, yet unmarked on any sailor's map.
Arr, I thought it be nothin' but a groundless tale spoken in a drunken haze...
And the only sound present was the sound of crows cawing- "CAW, CAW!"
One of the lads dropped to his knees and started muttering to himself.
Muttering that the island swallows sailors up only for them to be reborn as crows.

Hahaha! How'd I know if that nightmare is true?! Think I hung around to find out?
Not me! I turned the boat around and sailed away as fast as I could.
Besides, not just anyone can set foot on Crow's Nest, you know.
Nope. Invite only, that's what I've heard.
If you're thinking about going, I can give you a rough idea of where it is.
What with it not being on any maps, and all.
Push through the fog and you'll come across a huge columnar joint.
You ought to find an old man there, fishing to his heart's content.
The old man goes by the name Anax, but he's also known as the 'Ghost of Crow's Nest'.
Find him and you've found Crow's Nest.
※ This quest does not support navigation.
To find Crow's Nest, you will need to sail through the misty Great Ocean region.
※ You will need a compass to navigate through waters
of the Great Ocean covered in thick fog.

The old man goes by the name Anax, but he's also known as the 'Ghost of Crow's Nest'.
Find him and you've found Crow's Nest.

Heh... Guests of the Crows usually pay me no heed.
Must mean you're here uninvited. You best turn back now...

Completion Target: Anax
- Meet Anax, known as the Ghost of Crow's Nest
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Anax

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Tales of Crow's Nest
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resep 22-02-2025 21:00
[Crow's Nest] Time-catching Ghost
resep 22-02-2025 21:02
Playlist Pit of Undying – Crow's Nest Questline :

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