ID: 22227/1
Hard to Befriend
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Overly-diligent Man

Start NPC:
icon - Darak
End NPC:
icon - Darak's Letter

- Description:
It appears Darak in Port Epheria has something on his mind. After greeting him a few times to raise your Amity with him, he begins to open up to you. Let's hear what he has to say.

Good to see you again!
Now that I've gotten to know you better,
I think you and I are like two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather, kinda thing, no?
Let's see... what were we talking about last time?
Ah, yes, the very reason why I'm here.
It's been a while since I've met someone who truly gets me,
so I can't stop blabbering on and on. Hehe.
What was I talking about again... Ah, right!
Before I ran into that con artist,
I wasn't always this poor, you know!
And yet, what use is it crying over spilled milk?
While I was looking for a new gig, a friend helped me find work here,
which is where I've been ever since.
I swear, I've never worked so hard in my life.
More than you could possibly imagine.
For each worker that took a ship out to sea,
I would take three times as many trips, and work three times as hard!
In time, everyone came to acknowledge how hard I worked.
And yet, nothing seems to have gone my way ever since I got here.
First off, they never compensated me properly for all the work I did.
And I pleaded so frequently that I began to feel bad...
While all that was going on, rumors spread of my work ethic,
and I actually received several job offers.
So, I decided to settle my affairs at my old workplace,
ready to start over working in a new place.
I went back one last time to try and get all the pay they owed me.
For some reason, they started berating me...
telling me that this was a breach of contract...
Once the place offering me new work found out I was still locked to my old contract,
they told me that the deal was off.
How did my life end up like this?
I was doing so well...
Ah, sorry, I talk too much, don't I... My apologies.
Thanks for sparing the time of day to hear me vent...
Oh! Um... This is a rather difficult thing to ask of you, but...
Nah... It's nothing... Just... ignore what I said...
(He seems to be gauging your reaction.
You give him the okay to continue.)
Would you... be able to spare a 10G gold bar?
I swear I'll pay you back. Here, I'll even put it in writing.
Over there, that person I'm with...
give the gold bar to them...
They've also been working pretty hard
ever since arriving here from Calpheon with me.
No matter what happens,
I always trusted my friend with things for safekeeping.
Walk on over while I write this contract for us.
Please, you're my only hope. Hehe...

I understand if you don't believe me...
It hasn't been too long since we've started talking.

There's no sign of Darak.
Wherever could he be?
Looking around, you find
a letter he left behind. Let's take a look!

Completion Target: Darak's Spot
- Hand over Gold Bar 10G to the person Darak mentioned
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Darak's Partner
    Accepted quest Hard to Befriend
    Have item:
    - Gold Bar 10G x 1
    Meet NPC: Darak's Partner
    Accepted quest Hard to Befriend
    Have item:
    - Gold Bar 10G x 1

- Darak's Letter
Quest requirements
Required Amity: >49 ( icon - Darak)
Required to open quests
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DDP_NET 16-05-2023 09:55
Please, share images of this letter in other languages so we can check the translation.

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Added by Ddp_net (16-05-2023)
Added by Thenerostyle (28-08-2023)
Added by Blizanci (23-11-2023)
Added by Shinotsuki (5-12-2023)